It’s time for final design approval for the Polish Mural!

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Calling on Design Committee members and all interested to meet at Dinker’s Bar and Grill, this Friday, July 1 from 5:30-7pm, to look at the current design and approve and/or recommend changes. Please contact Mike at 402.936.0527 if you are a committee member who cannot meet at this hour and would like to see the design on Saturday.

Funding: We received funding from the Nebraska Arts Council and the Polish Home Inc. and had some good fundraisers with the Polish and Irish communities.  We did not, however receive funding from the Visitor Improvement Fund.  This leaves us short of our goal by a considerable amount.  We have enough to do the Polish Mural this summer but at a lower level than we hoped.  We will be very short staffed and scrimping on materials. We have applied for a grant from the Omaha Creative Institute, about which we will learn if we receive in mid-July. A few of you mentioned a willingness to help raise funds towards the project. It would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Mike at if interested in helping on this front.

Thanks to everyone who has been involved and supportive of the mural project. We are excited to get underway with the production this July! Announcements to come regarding projection nights to transfer drawings to the wall and the community paint day – and YOU can help! Keep an eye and ear out for those!  Our tentative plans are here.

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